Registration form
Article mis en ligne le 1er juillet 2005
dernière modification le 15 octobre 2005

par Patrice
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- Medical attestation : if your national licence doesn’t mention it, you’ll have to show a medical attestion aged of less than one year and saying that you are able to ride a unicycle for leisure and competion.
- Youngers : youngers aged less than 18 who come without their parents will have to give a parental authorization for medical and surgical interventions in case of emergency.
Fell free to send me a better translation -> ;-)

How to proceed :

  • Print the following document. You need a PDF reader to do that. You certainly already have one in your computer, but a free PDF Reader is available by Adobe in case you don’t.
  • fill in the form
  • send it to the address indicated in the form
PDF - 101.4 ko

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